Protologue Description: Levenhookia pulcherrima, sp. nov.

Annua omnino glanduloso-pubescens, ad 12, plerumque 7-8 cm alta. Caulis ruber, simplex vel saepius subcorymboso-ramosus, ramis patentibus. Foha caulina inferiora spathulata, petiolata. Folia superiora oblanceolata, 1.8 cm longae vel breviora. Bracteae foliosae, 15 mm longae vel breviores. Flores ad anthesim subsessiles, calycis tubus sphaericus, 1 nun longus, calycis lobi 2 mm longi, lanceolati. Corollae tubus 4-5 mm longus, pallidus. Corollae laciniae rosaceae vel albido-rosaceae, inaequales. Corollae laciniae anteriores minores, ca. 3 mm longae, obovatae, conspicue emarginatae e subbasi roseo-maculatae in formibus W, e basi leuco-flavidae. Laciniae posteriores rnajores, rosaceae sed immaculatae, emarginatae, curvato-spathulatae, ca. 4 mm longae. Labellum sessile ovoideum, album, ad apicem griseo-purpureo-maculatum, appendiculatum. Faux callis lateralibus 2 et dentibus deltoideis instructus. Stigmata filiformes, stigma anteriora recurvata, stigma posteriora recta. Capsula nonseptata, sphaerica, ca. 3 mm longa, ad apicem calycis lobi 4 mm longi. Pedicelli in fructibus 2 mm longi. Semina basalia, minuta, papillosa.
Annual, with glandular trichomes throughout, branched or smaller plants unbranched. Depauperate plants 1-flowered, about 2.5 cm tall, tallest plants 12 cm tall, average plants about 7-8 cm. Stems red, leaves green, older leaves turning red. Lower leaves broadly spathulate and clearly petiolate. Upper leaves oblanceolate, to 1.8 cm long, tapering imperceptibly into petioles. Bract-leaves oblanceolate-linear, to 1.5 cm. Flowers at anthesis subsessile, ovary sphaerical, ca. 1 mm in diameter, calyx lobes ca. 2 mm long, lanceolate. Corolla tube 4--5 mm long, pale. Corolla lobes pink to rose, unequal, the anterior ones shorter, about 3 mm long, obovate, conspicuously emarginate, each bearing at the base a W-form or inverted V-form red marking; the base of the lobes between this marking and the throat yellowish or white. Posterior corolla lobes about 4 mm long, variously curved-spathulate, usually emarginate, the space between the claws of these two lobes accommodating the labellum and its enclosed (prior to sensitive motion) column, bases of posterior lobes fading abruptly into the throat, not spotted or marked. Labellum obovate in outline, not clawed, white, the terminal portion bearing on either side a circular gray-purple mark; acute short appendages present near the base of the labellum. Stigma lobes unlike, the posterior straight, the anterior recurved, its tip pointing toward the throat. Throat with two minute callous lumps, one on each side of the throat; a minute triangular throat appendage located between the bases of the anterior lobes. Capsules sphaerical, 3 mm in diameter, topped by the calyx lobes which elongate to 4 mm in fruit. Capsule non-septate, seeds basal, spherical, minute, roughened. Pedicels in fruit 2 mm long.
Type: In flats of hardpacked sand of Casuarina woodland, above Phillips River just east of the bridge on Ongerup-Ravensthorpe Highway, W.A. November 8. 1967. Carlquist 4027 (RSA). hsotyhe.s: US, K, CANB, PERTH, L, CHR, BSB, UC, and others.

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